Best Roof Top Tent
Bigfoot Roof Top Tents have many relevant factors pointing one to the realization that RTT's by Bigfoot are the Best Roof Top Tent money can buy. When considering what factors "Best Roof Top Tent" are comprised it comes down to perspectives and opinion or even conditions. Within the data there is an average of conditions and factors that help us design a median of measure on RTT criteria. It's that data that has helped us zero in on what we believe to be the most hardcore, heavy duty roof top tent we could construct while still being aerodynamically sound, stylish and affordable.
Best Roof Top Tent Criteria
The bigfoot Hard shell Roof Top Tents are the most aerodynamic roof top tents that you can own. There is an under draft and an overdraft which like the tail of a nascar pushes down on the roof top tent and creates stability. You can't even hardly tell it's up there. The hard shell roof top tent is more aerodynamic than the quick tent and will save on some drag which over time save gas money.
The style and beauty of our roof top tents is amplified for us everytime we go to a show or expo people come and compliment our roof top tents exclaiming that "Bigfoot Roof Top Tents are the most beautiful high quality roof top tents that we have ever seen. Higher quality plus cheaper price?!" You can choose a hard shell roof top tent in white or black with chrome fixtures or our "A" frame Quick Tent model which gives you the "Treehouse" feeling. Which ever roof top tent you choose they are both packed with fun & style.
Roof Top Tent Price
We looked at prices and studied the roof top tent industry worldwide from the U.S.A and North America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, China, to Korea the Roof Top Tent supply chain is vast. It seems as if there are hundreds of choices on where to locate a nice new roof top tent or even a nice used roof top tent for that matter. Then the day comes to purchase and you find yourself asking questions about shipping, taxes and customs fees all of the sudden cheap advertized prices are inflated to an inflated price. Roof Top Tents by Bigfoot Tents are always FREE Shipping, NO sales tax with flat fixed sale pricing.
Stock Availability
The way we see the business of Roof Top Tents is that you can't use, camp in or ship something if it's not in stock so we maintain 100% availability on all advertised Roof Top Tents warehoused in over 100,000 sqft of space to meet the ever growing demand for the Best Roof Top Tents.
Roof Top Tent Shipping Time
The best roof top tent has to ship to the end user fast. People don't want to order something and then just be waiting around forever. The Bigfoot Roof Top Tents are the Best Roof Top Tent because they land anywhere in America with 7 to 14 days. On a bulky item like a RTT it's a real accomplishment when it comes to the logistics of roof top tents in general.
There were many other factors that we considered when coming to our featured opinions of the best roof top tents in America and the U.S.A. that we are not going to list here today. In the end it will be you and your final opinion that really counts. Give us a chance if you don't fall in love with you RTT right away and you are willing to pay the shipping in return we will refund you 100% on your Roof Top Tent.
By M.J Proctor Google+
16033 Bolsa Chica St #104 Suite Huntington Beach, CA. 92649
To Order a Roof Rack Tent Call or Easy Order Online
Call (877)311-6911